Venus Reload Pulsa Muarah All Operator

Keuntungan Bergabung dengan Agen Pulsa: 1. Anda dapat menggunakan nomor Anda, tidak perlu membeli chip baru 2. Anda akan mendapatkan harga dasar pulsa yang sangat murah 3. Deposit Mudah 4. Stok Anti kosong. 5. Cepat, handal, dan Hemat.


ALAMAT SERVER Jl.RSU Dr,Faujiah Bireun No.96 .BIREUN -NAD KODE POS : 24251 - TLP. 0644 21194, Powered By Otomax Software .


101% Server Pulsa Hayni Tronik adalah benar-benar server pulsa all operator. Kami memiliki perangkat-perangkat yang diperlukan untuk mendukung transaksi isi ulang pulsa yang terintegrasi. Transaksi Anda juga dikawal oleh garda depan kami alias Customer Service yang siap melayani komplain Anda :).

Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

Hati - Hati Penipuan

HATI - HATI PENIPUAN CV JURAGAN GAS adalah Pangkalan LPG 3 Kg, Sub Agen Aqua dan Grosir Sembako. ALAMAT MEMAKAI TOKO ORANG LAIN DAN FOTO MENGAMBIL DARI GOOGLE CVJURAGANAN GAS adalah Pangkalan LPG 3 Kg, Sub Agen Aqua dan Grosir Sembako. Yang Beralamat Di Jln Pedan - Cawas Km 4, Gombang, Cawas, Klaten CP 085227788239 Menjual Tabung 3 Kg. Harga : Tabung 3 Kg = Rp 85.000 Isi 3 Kg = Rp 10.000 Tabung 3 Kg + Isi = Rp 90.000 Note : Tidak harus beli tabung dan isi, bisa beli salah satu. Aqua : Galon Tanpa Isi Rp 32.000 Isi Galon ( Air aqua) = Rp 11.500 Galon Aqua + Isi = Rp 33.500 Note : Tidak harus beli galon dan isi, bisa beli salah satu. Note : Layanan antar dengan biaya sesuai jarak jauh dekatnya lokasi anda. Diutamakan Ambil sendiri.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Lowongan Kerja Unisem

UNISEM is one of the top 10 SATS (Semiconductor Assembly & Test Services) providers in the world, with global manufacturing presence in Malaysia, Indonesia, China, US and Europe. With approximately 8,600 employees worlwide, our company is aggresively moving forward in stegthening its position by focusing on providing value added service and complete solution to our customers. We invite enthusiastic and talented people to join us as an :

Jobs Description :

* Responsible for new product transfer and start up using ATE tester.
* Implement test programs and test hardware improvements to enhance product sort and final test yield and product PPM
* Perform electrical failure analysis to resolve test/ product issues.

Requirements :

* Graduates from S1 Electrical Engineering, Physics Engineering or Instrumentations
* Willing to be located at Batam Kepulaun Riau
* The Selection will be done in Jakarta

Jobs Description :

* Responsible for evaluation of material, equipment upgrades and parameters for the purpose of improving yield, cycle time and quality.
* Develop processes and provide engineering support to manufacturing.
* Conduct troubleshooting of process shortcomings, and drive continuous improvement programs.

Requirements :

* Graduates from S1 Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material, Physics, Physics Engineering, Chemistry
* Willing to be located at Batam Kepulaun Riau
* The Selection will be done in Jakarta

Jobs Description :

* You are responsible to perform and supervise new package and process development, perform analysis and recommend actions.

Requirements :

* Graduates from S1 Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material, Physics, Physics Engineering,
* Willing to be located at Batam Kepulaun Riau
* The Selection will be done in Jakarta

Please send your resume and supporting documents to :

Recruitment, Training & Development

Jl. S.Parman Batamindo Industrial Park Kav 201
Muka Kuning
Batam-Kepulauan Riau

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Lowongan Kerja Drafter (DF) & Event Supervisor (ES)

Orchid Florist & Decorations,a medium enterprise that specialized in florist and decorations since 2007, open vacancy as Drafter (DF) & Event Supervisor (ES) with the folloqing requirements :
Drafter (DF) & Event Supervisor (ES)
1. Drafter
- Memiliki kemampuan aplikasi program sketch up / 3d max / photoshop
- Fast learner dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Memiliki pengalaman di perusahaan kontraktor, arsitek, design interior, atau dekorasi ( nilai tambah )
- Terbiasa dengan deadline kerja
- Sistem freelance / kontrak

2. Event Supervisor
- Pria
- Memiliki pengalaman di perusahaan kontraktor, arsitek, design interior, atau dekorasi.
- Paham dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan listrik atau bunga.
- Cepat tanggap dan energik
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
- Bersedia bekerja di luar jam kerja normal
- Sistem freelance / kontrak
Kirimkan cv dan portfolio melalui email selambatnya 19 Maret 2011 ke

Orchid Florist & Decorations
Jl.Manggis 1/15
Jakarta Barat

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Lowongan Kerja Production Manager, Geologist, Mine Design - PT Jambi Resources

We are PT Jambi Resources, a coal mining company established in 2005 and IUP (Ijin Usaha Pertambangan) holder in Muara Bungo dan Muara Tebo in Jambi Province. We are� now looking for the best candidates to join in our company to fill the vacant position.
1. Production Manager
2. Geologist
3. Mine Design

All candidates must meet our requirements as mentioned below :
* Male, age max 35 years old ( Max age 25 years old for fresh graduates)
* Min 3 years experience in the same field
* Bachelor Graduated ( S1) in Geology/Mining Engineering�
* Willing to be positioned in remote areas in Sumatera
* Good interpersonal skill and team player
* Good in arranging , analyzing and organization
* Computer Literacy and Proficiency in written and spoken English
* Highly motivated and hard working under pressure
* Having ability to work in a cross-cultural environment
For those who are interested please send your application letter and CV to our address :
PT. Jambi Resources
Executive Mansion Suite 1 B
Jl.Empu Sendok No 51
Kebayoran Baru - Jaksel 12180
or email us at

Lowongan Kerja Administration Staff

Urgently Needed an administration staff
Administration Staff
1. Female
2. 17-26 years old
3. Honest and hardworker
4. like IT world
5. love of chatting
6. communicative
send your application to email, before date Pebruary 15,2011


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